Tuesday 17 July 2007

Volcan Chimborozo

Tuesday morning I had a quick look around the centre of Riobamba but there was little to see. I was then heading to Latacunga and decided to take the scenic route via Guaranda.
I got the 9am bus out of Riobamba to Guaranda. This route was very nice passing high up on the desolate flanks of the Chimborozo Volcano. Unfortunately cloud cover obscured views of the summit and only the snow line could be distinguished. Several people got off near the top to hike up to the refuge which would have been nice, but I opted to press on.
After dropping back down into the valley I had lunch in Guaranda and then got a bus around the other side of the mountain. After having some heavy hail we broke through the top of the clouds and could see the glaciers flowing from the western side of the volcano, but still not to the summit.
I arrived to a rainy Latacunga and got myself a room in the Hotel Cotapaxi overlooking the town square.


Alcifer said...

Your profile picture doesn't look like you, Louis. Are you going to try again tomorrow for a frolic in the snow?

Louis said...

Its all good... Ive got a new profile pic where you can actually see me.
Dont think will be any more snow in Sth America... heading off to Quito tomorrow for the last weekend of partying!

Alcifer said...

I like the new pic, Louis. Why is it the last weekend of partying?

Heinz said...

Probably good to insert a few disclaimers. I think he means, it is the last weekend of partying for him, in Sth America, until the next visit. Have a great time...

Louis said...

Thats right.... last weekend of partying in Sth America for a little while. But will have to get back here to see Columbia some time soon.