Monday 3 September 2007


On Friday the weather cleared up a little. Unsuccessfully searched for a hairdressers that didnt charge CHF50 then went for a walk further up Sonnenberg. Had some great views out to Pilatus and Stanserhorn. At the back of the mountain I came across the blackberry jackpot and settled down to eat for a while. Headed out to see the Luzern nightlife but it was very superficial and pretty boring.
In the morning I headed over to Baden for the annual party of the climbing club. I met Yvonne at the train station and then headed up to the forest behind the city. The party was set in a clearing in the forest by a big cave. We were certainly not roughing it with a fridge for all our beer, party lights, a full band to play a few tunes and plenty of party lights. We tried a new method of cooking chickens... stuffing them, then wrapping them in some cabbage leaves, then a layer of clay. The chickens were then backed in the fire for several hours and came out very tasty. Along will all the salads and swiss desserts none of us 40 partyers were going hungry that night. Late in the night we rolled out the sleeping bags under the stars.
On Sunday morning we enjoyed freshed baked zopf (swiss bread). I called past Wettingen for lunch at Yvonne`s. We then caught up with the others by the river in Baden. They were all mad climbers (with enough injuries to show for it) and did slack rope walking to improve their balance. We hung a rope across the river and 2 of us (not me) managed to walk across the river, while attracting plenty of audience.
In the afternoon I went to see the original Baden fort overlooking the town and then went to Zürich for a quick walk up Uetliberg before getting back to Luzern by 10:30.


Heinz said...

All sounds fantastic, except for the hairdresser! Better sharpen my scissors and come over on the next plane. I think I can cut at least 6 in an hour or may be even 8. Bill Gates you better watch out!!!!

Chart Smart said...

Nice Blog :)

Louis said...

Yer, thats where the money is. Not bad for a job when the only skill you need is the use of a pair of scissors.