Sunday 15 July 2007


The bus trip from Mancora was comfortable but very slow with the border crossing and all the subsequent document checks. The time passed by quick enough by chatting to Veronica, a nice girl from Lima heading up to visit her boyfriend in Guayaquil. An hour after the border we saw Machala surrounded my many banana plantations wizz past. The town wasn`t on the highway so the bus wasn`t stopping, so it looked like I was going to Guayaquil. Upon arriving to Guayaquil Veronica was met by her boyfriend Andrès, whose mum also invited me to crash at their place. Without any plans this sounded like a pretty good offer. We headed home and I claimed the sister, Karla`s bed and then we all headed out to the local parrillado for a good pile of meat for dinner. In the evening we did a lap through the city centre which looked very nice and modern.
The next day we all drove into town to have a better look around the Malecon 2000, the city´s waterfront precinct with plenty of nice gardens, restaurants and various monuments. We grabbed a bite to eat here then headed back home. Andrès` mum went back to grab the car and unfortunately got her handbag robbed on the way. She was a bit upset so being the only other driver around the duty fell to me. Was the first time driving on the other side of the road but this didn`t take too long to get used to, just the crazy ecuadorian driving took some adjusting too!
We chilled out back at home doing some karaoke to the local music and grabbed some dinner from the local hamburger stall about midnight.
This morning we had a big breakfast of omelets and then I headed off to the bus station to get back on track in Cuenca. The whole family decided to come along to see me off. Of course, many thanks to Andrès, Veronica, Karla and family for their very fine hospitality and making my stay in Guayaquil very enjoyable.
The 5 hour bus trip to Cuenca was very nice. Most of this time was spent ascending a single mountain so we really gained some altitude and then passed through the cloud forests and lakes of the Cajun national park.


Heinz said...

The hospitality of everyone is definetely breathtaking, and I hope the bagsnatchers didn't end up with much, poor lady. Have a great trip to Quito!!

Alcifer said...

Singstar set you up for the karaoke okay, Big L?

Anonymous said...

Hi Louss I am Andres's mom..I 'm happy de haberte are a good boy...thank you..for visit my home...good home...

Anonymous said...

hola Louis como tas ? te saluda veronica y la verdad no sabes lo lindo que es el que te agradara tu estadia aqui en guayaquil te queremos mucho y extrañamos un beso con cariño VERONICA~~~

Louis said...

Thats for sure... theres no holding back on the karaoke these days!

Louis said...

hola veronica! Estoy muy bien. como estas? Muchos gracias por hacer que permanezca en tu lugar. Tenía un gran rato en Guayaquil.

Felix cumpleaños a Andrés!

(¡Cómo el malo es mi español!! )